No, I am not diabetic yet, neither I have pancreatic insufficiency. Don’t fret; continue reading! :) Either you’ll learn a bit from the next few phrases or you’ll find this post visually gastromically stimulating. To simply put, hyperglycemia is descibed as elevated sugar level that occurs whenever we have excess carbohydrate intake, or when the hormone, insulin secreted by the beta cells of the islets of Langerhans of the endocrine pancreas becomes inadequate to catabolize carbohydrates into glucose for it to be deposited in the cells of the liver and muscles as glycogen that may be transformed into glucose again in times of stress and as the need arises. Persistence of uncontrolled hyperglycemia leads to diabetes. Enough of the rambling, you might be having epistaxis (nosebleeding); kidding! :D This post is all about the CHOCOLATE BUFFET at Soy Restaurant in G Hotel, the most stylish luxurious hotel in Gurney Drive, Penang, Malaysia.
Let’s begin this sinful but delicious blog entry with Baskin Robbins’ Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream…
One of the strongest reasons why anyone interested from Penang should troop to this chocolate buffet is the bottomless scoops of luscious Baskin Robbins Ice Cream. That alone made this sweet dining experience heavenly; its cost so sulit (value for money). I consider it a steal and extraordinary for we don’t have Baskin Robbins experience on a daily basis.
The chocolate buffet isn’t complete without a fondue. And having both white and dark chocolate fountains provides sufficient logic when one isn’t enough…
Of course, I tried dipping some mallows and tropical fruits from the spread onto these chocolatey goodness but in between indulgence, I had savored these fibrous fruits in their purest forms; they aid well in digestion.
At one point, this Soy’s Chocolate Buffet is deliciously challenging. Resistance to be overwhelmed is a must.
Another commendable thing is their provision of free-flowing tea in different variants (I opted for Jasmine Green Tea) to make every intake nice and easy. Thank God for Lipton!
One soothing sip and you’re on your toes again towards the spread.
Yes, it’s Chocolate Buffet so everything in there are chocolates, chocolates and more chocolates!
When I was asked to fill out the comment card by the wait staff, I cannot agree but to tick “excellent” in service, ambience, cleanliness, etc. However, those glorious cakes could have been presented better on top of handsome cake stands. Other than that, Soy’s Chocolate Buffet earns my two-thumbs-up! :D
Soy’s Chocolate Buffet is such a reason to head to this G Hotel. As they claim to have the most stylish adress in Penang; I cannot agree more.
Meanwhile, here’s a proof that my family and I are such a chocoholics. Tina and Gabby whipped up another no-bake-chocolate cake at home.
Tina’s not only a lovely wife and a caring mom, she also has this love affair with her gadget that she wanted to document some of Gabby’s wonderful antics. If I am into blogging, Tina enjoys capturing special fun moments on video. WATCH THIS chipmunkie-ala-charlie-chaplin-short-film on how the Chef Gabby made that moist cake… ENJOY! Let me know what you think. :)
Do you think our son has future in becoming a chef, a hotelier and a restaurateur? Only time will tell. :)
Enjoy Penang’s only all you can eat chocolate buffet of various delectable offerings of scrumptious chocolate desserts. Available every Saturday,8pm-12am, priced at RM45++ per person (USD 14++ or PhP 612++) at Soy Restaurant, G Hotel, Gurney Drive, Penang, Malaysia.
*Although the blogger and his blog are open for advertisements, sponsorships, invitations and blog reviews, this isn’t a sponsored post. :)
Filed under: FAMILY : LOVE KO 'TO, FOOD & MORE FOOD!, ILOVEPHOTOS, MALAYSIA Tagged: amateur photography, baskin robbins, beyond toxicity, blog review, blogger in asia, blogger in malaysia, blogger in southeast asia, buffet, cakes, chocoholics, chocolate, chocolate bars, chocolate buffet, chocolate fondue, desserts, dining, doc gelo, docgelo,, Eat all you can, Eat all you want, expat, expat in malaysia, filipino expat in malaysia, filipino expat in penang, fondue, food, food blog, food photography, foodie, fruits, g hotel, g hotel malaysia, g hotel penang, gastronomic adventures, gurney drive penang, gurney drive penang malaysia, hotels, hotels in malaysia, hotels in penang,, ice cream flavors, indulgence, Life, life abroad, life is good, lifestyle blog, malaysia, mint chocolate ice cream, must do in penang, must try in penang, nikon, nikon D7000, penang malaysia, photography, photos taken using nikon D7000, restaurant review, restraurants in malaysia, sinful, soy restaurant, soy sesame restaurant, TRAVEL, travel blog